Spelling Notebook: Learn, Test

  • Beatrice Taylor
It is especially useful for those students who have a good understanding of spelling and want to learn and review words in a way that does not require a lot of effort.


This app has a few different options for reviewing words: you can review the words you already know, review all of the words in the app, or review words based on a custom-made list that you have created. The custom-made list can be set up to include the words you want to study and the order you want to study them. This is a great way to narrow down the words you want to learn and review.


The app has a simple and understandable interface. I like the way developers have used colors to make the interface more attractive and appealing. Everything is designed in a simple and understandable way. There is nothing to add or to fix. Everything is perfect.


This app is easy to use and very user-friendly. It teaches the child how to spell by using pictures which makes it easier for them to remember the words. When the child is finished watching a short video and going through the practice words they can either play a game or take a test. The app is pretty fun and the test is not too difficult.


This app is a great learning tool for children. It is very simple and attractive. It is easy to use and the child is able to study the words they have learned very quickly. The app teaches the child how to spell by showing them pictures. It is a great tool for anyone who wants their child to learn how to spell.

  • Educative
  • Fun
  • Easy.
  • Not so attractive for adults.