An Unexpected Prequel Story: Forspoken Announces New DLC

  • Beatrice Taylor
  • Mar 31, 2023
  • 655
An Unexpected Prequel Story: Forspoken Announces New DLC

Square Enix’s latest open-world action-adventure game, Forspoken, is getting a prequel story DLC. Entitled In Tanta We Trust, the expansion promises to further explore the depths of Althia and offers players battles alongside Tanta Cinta. But what dark secrets does this upcoming content reveal?

In Tanta, We Trust serves as a 25 years prequel to Forspoken's main campaign. Players follow Frey in her quest to erase the Break from Athia once and for all as she follows a mysterious voice that leads her to the Purge of the Rheddig – an event that changes everything in Athia and drives Tantas mad with fear.

The In Tanta We Trust story follows Frey's investigation into a strange voice that leads her to an entirely different place – that of Purge Rheddig and its legendary battle, which ultimately led to Tantas' descent into madness. Players will be able to explore areas such as Kaldea and Grastaea while searching for ways to eradicate Break from Athia completely, encountering key characters along their journey in this prequel story.

The main game offers intense action roleplaying with high-stakes decisions and powerful magic against deadly enemies across real-time swordplay sequences; this latest addition builds upon these mechanics with even more challenging battles against threatening foes in different parts of Althia. With improved graphics, stunning visuals, and fresh content spanning multiple hour's worths of gameplay, players can look forward to an immersive experience with plenty of exciting surprises along the way in what is sure to become one of Square Enix’s most popular titles yet!


If you're looking for an adrenaline rush like no other when playing your favorite video games, then you'll certainly want to keep an eye out for Forspoken's upcoming DLC – In Tanta We Trust! With spectacular visuals and extended gameplay adding up hours' worth of extra content plus unique bonuses like The Unbreakable Sword included at launch, fans, old or new, are sure not to miss out on what promises only the best gaming experience around!

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